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30. How to book photography clients through sales calls with Carissa Woo

Podcast cover for episode 30 of Sustainable Photography. Master your sales calls with Carissa Woo.

Carissa Woo is a wedding photographer based in Gardena, California. Inspired by vibrant colors and romantic imagery. She has shot 200 weddings in destinations spanning the globe, including Paris, Hawaii, and Thailand. Her favorite drink is shaken espresso with soy milk.

Getting more inquiries and client calls make our photography business thrive. This episode talks about how to book photography clients through sales calls.

What makes your business sustainable?

Here are some of the things that will make your photography business sustainable:

  • Create a marketing plan.
  • Hire an experienced mentor or coach to help you.
  • Know your target market.

How to handle inquiries

Inquiries can sometimes be overwhelming, but you can be good at handling them. Try having a short introductory call or presentation that is ready whenever you get an inquiry. It can also be tiresome to some, but as a business photographer, you and the client have to know if you both are a good fit. Even before you sign the contract.

Specializing in sales calls

More than your best skills in photography, it still matters what else you can provide. A lot of photographers get lots of inquiries but end up not getting hired. There can be many reasons for that. Like they liked someone else better. Or another photographer put in more effort.

This is why doing sales calls is important. Aside from being clear on what you can offer, your personality is one of the biggest factors. Your personality will get you booked. It’s more than selling your packages or services. It’s your personality matching well with your client’s needs. Being able to provide a unique experience is a plus too.

To get booked, you should share your personality, relatable stories, and the experience you offer. Listen to episode 26 to learn more about standing out as a photographer.

How to avoid mistakes during sales calls

  1. Give 100% when doing calls. Be consistent with your energy and enthusiasm when doing sales calls. This is important to build connections with your clients.
  2. Ask enough questions to know your client’s personality and needs. It makes your clients feel special when you get to know them on a deeper level.
  3. Make every call special. Each client has a different personality and needs.

Client communication through sales calls

Make sure you don’t feel like you need to offer discounts and include more things when you talk to customers. If you keep giving you could end up with demanding clients.

To avoid these things to happen, add value. Share what you specialize in. Offer what makes you stand out from the rest of the other photographers. Learn more about connecting with clients in episode 20.

Become sustainable with a marketing plan

As a business photographer, you need a marketing plan. This will keep you focused and on track with your plans. It also keeps you away from being burnt out by setting boundaries in what you can and won’t do. Setting boundaries has to be part of your plan. Stick to your working hours to get that work and life balance.

Lead generation for countless inquiries

Lead generation is the process of getting new inquiries. With the proper lead generation, you won’t worry anymore about getting inquiries. Check out Carissa’s ​​free 20-minute lead generation masterclass for wedding photographers.

Carissa wants you to know

Other than skills, remember that getting inquiries and doing sales calls will keep your business running. Be consistent in doing lead generations and sales calls. Always keep your best foot forward when you talk to clients.

Find Carissa:

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Carissa’s website

Free lead generation masterclass

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Sustainable Photography
30. How to book photography clients through sales calls with Carissa Woo

hi, I’m ingvild

This podcast is all about education and inspiration for photographers. A sustainable business is profitable and lasting. Instead of short-term wins you want to make sure you’re doing things that matter. Both to yourself, and to create the business you want. The goal of this podcast is that it will help you build and structure your business around your life, instead of the other way around.

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