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152. From Overwhelmed to Thriving: Building a Photography Business That Works for You

You became a photographer because you love creating beautiful images and living a life fueled by creativity. But somewhere along the way, it’s easy to get stuck—overbooked, overwhelmed, and underpaid. If this sounds familiar, you’re in the right place.

Why You May Feel Stuck

At first, you might have been thriving, feeling like everything was falling into place. But then comes the plateau: late nights spent editing, juggling admin tasks, and back-to-back client meetings. You’re working harder than ever, but the income doesn’t match the effort. It’s a sign that something needs to change.

Work Smarter, Not Harder

The goal isn’t to do more—it’s to do what matters most. Think about the tasks that only you can do. Can some responsibilities be delegated or streamlined? Freeing yourself up to focus on your strengths—like shooting, connecting with clients, or growing your business—means working smarter, not harder.

Raise Your Prices and Let Go of Perfection

If your calendar is full but your bank account doesn’t reflect that, it’s time to raise your prices. The clients who value your talent will stay—and higher prices often attract clients who appreciate your work even more.

And about social media? Let go of the need for perfection. Platforms like Instagram aren’t about flawless grids—they’re about connecting with the clients who resonate with you. Focus on authenticity, not perfection.

Focus on Strategy, Not Just Busyness

It’s so easy to stay busy and lose sight of the bigger picture. But busyness isn’t the same as growth. Taking the time to plan strategically and create systems for your business can reduce your workload and make everything run more smoothly—while also increasing your profitability.

How to Start Making Changes

  • List all the tasks you handle every week.
  • Highlight what’s essential for you to do, and look for tasks that can be outsourced, automated, or eliminated. Tools like CRMs can handle a lot of the repetitive admin work, giving you more time to focus on your craft.
  • Create packages that showcase your expertise and deliver an amazing client experience.

These small shifts can free up your time, improve your income, and reignite the joy you felt when you first started.

The Power of Mentorship

Sometimes, you just need a guide—someone who’s been there and can help you see the big picture. A mentor can provide clarity, encouragement, and personalized advice to help you move past the challenges holding you back. With the right guidance, it’s easier to transition from being stuck to thriving in your photography business.

It’s Time to Invest in Your Future

Breaking the cycle of being overworked and underpaid starts with action. Whether that’s joining my mentoring program or exploring other resources, now is the time to reflect on where your business stands and take steps toward your goals.

You deserve a business that supports your creativity and your life. Let’s build that together. Reach out to me on Instagram or check the show notes to learn how we can work together. I can’t wait to see what you’ll create!

Want more?

Ingvild Kolnes is the host of the Sustainable Photography Podcast, an educator for photographers, and is ready to help you with your photography business. 

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Sustainable Photography
Sustainable Photography
152. From Overwhelmed to Thriving: Building a Photography Business That Works for You

hi, I’m ingvild

This podcast is all about education and inspiration for photographers. A sustainable business is profitable and lasting. Instead of short-term wins you want to make sure you’re doing things that matter. Both to yourself, and to create the business you want. The goal of this podcast is that it will help you build and structure your business around your life, instead of the other way around.

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