118. A Unique Approach to Photography, Branding, and Self Portraits with Lisa Haukom

Do you ever think about how to bring a new spark to your photography business? Lisa Haukom, a brand strategist and photographer, talks about her unique ideas in this episode. Lisa shared how she thinks outside the box and what that means for her photography.

Lisa makes the unseen visible and gives it life.

A guide, speaker, author, vision holder, mentor, and photographer, Lisa Haukom is based in the Pacific Northwest and provides marketing and brand strategy services to her interior, lifestyle, and brand clients using her 20+ years of experience. Her work has been featured in Domino, Lonny, Design Sponge, and more.

As a highly referred and published photographer and brand strategist – Lisa understands the importance of visual storytelling through images and video for any business. She is the founder of The Self Portrait Studio, for female-identifying entrepreneurs — a mix of mindset, mastermind, and moxie.

Getting Creative

In our chat, Lisa talked about how she shoots through Zoom and other virtual platforms. She explained how you don’t always need to be there with your subject to get a great shot. This way of thinking is a step out of the ordinary. Lisa suggests that photographers need to move with the times and use new tech to their advantage.

Changing the Way We See Ourselves

Have you ever felt uncomfortable seeing yourself in photos? A lot of photographers feel this way. We’re used to being behind the camera, not in front of it.

Lisa’s take on this? Learn to accept and understand the way we look in photos. She tells people there’s a whole world of possibilities waiting on the other side of that discomfort.

Learn the 7 pieces of a sustainable business

Episode 53

Branding That Stands Out

Branding is a big part of photography. Lisa encourages people not to limit themselves to a few colors or patterns. Instead, she says you should plan for your brand to change and grow with you. 

And when it comes to taking photographs, Lisa thinks we can all do more to show our individuality. Small things like where you put your hand or the way you look at the camera can make a big difference. 

Putting It All Together 

The ability to change is what makes a business last. As Lisa suggests, you should plan for growth and keep your options open. Creativity also plays a big role in keeping your business fresh.

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Episode 14

Wrapping Up

No matter what kind of photography you’re in, there’s always room to grow and change. What’s important is to keep learning and not be afraid to think outside the box. Being true to your brand, showing up for your viewers, and trying new things can help you capture that special spark.

What Lisa wants you to know

Your brand photography is so much more than a pretty photo.

To give the listener pathways forward through three of the most pressing questions for entrepreneurs

  • How do I show up as myself online?
  • How to get over what to post anxiety?
  • How to make my brand stand out?


Start Here to Plan the Perfect Brand Photoshoot

Want more?

Ingvild Kolnes is the host of the Sustainable Photography Podcast, an educator for photographers, and is ready to help you with your photography business. 

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Sustainable Photography
118. A Unique Approach to Photography, Branding, and Self Portraits with Lisa Haukom

hi, i'm ingvild

This podcast is all about education and inspiration for photographers. A sustainable business is profitable and lasting. Instead of short-term wins you want to make sure you’re doing things that matter. Both to yourself, and to create the business you want. The goal of this podcast is that it will help you build and structure your business around your life, instead of the other way around.

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